Udayan Kumar My public notes

Alaska trip

TL;DR: Alaska trip log by my mom in Hindi

1st August

अलास्का जाने का प्रोग्राम बना तो बच्चों के साथ हम लोग भी काफ़ी उत्साहित थे क्यों कि अलास्का जाना एक सपने का सच हो जाना जैसा ही था. अलास्का USA का वो राज्य है...

Measuring Success in data Science

TL;DR: Success in data science is inversely proportional to the number of times the same steps are repeated.

Gartner says 85% of the big data projects fail (1). They also say only 20% of the analytics insights deliver business outcomes. VentureBeat says 87% of data science projects never make...

Working with a Neato Lidar

help A lidar measures distance to the nearest object in-front of the sensor. For e.g., a lidar mounted on a robot can be used to detect obstacles in the path. A lidar is more expensive but provides better accuracy and range than other methods such as

Control a RC car with Raspberry Pi


In this post, I will describe the setup to control an RC car with Raspberry Pi (RPi). The control process will be manual (no intelligence yet); basically login into RPi with SSH and use keyboard to control the movements.

In the next posts I am targeting...

Heart Rate monitor using Raspberry Pi and Pulse sensor

There are several heart rate monitors available in the market but I wanted to make something cheap (already owned Raspberry Pi) and one that can be wall-powered for continuous use. Currently, it is sitting on my desk and I can measure my pulse anytime by putting my finger on the...